Thursday, January 2, 2020


Image result for Gili Islands"
 The Gili Islands (Indonesian: Tiga Gili [Three Gilis], Kepulauan Gili [Gili Islands]) are anarchipelago of three small islands — Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air — just off the northwest coast of Lombok, Indonesia. The islands are a popular destination for Western tourists looking for a remote island experience.

Mount Bromo

Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park, Indonesia

By the time you head down the Indonesian archipelago, you might be suffering from temple fatigue. Fortunately, Indonesia has plenty else to impress, including stunning unearthly landscapes in its volcanic belt. It is on the Ring of Fire, after all. Mount Bromo, in particular, is one of the most stunning places on the entire planet to watch a sunrise. It’s full of tourists, yes, but Bromo’s desolately beautiful caldera will leave a lasting impression regardless of who you share it with.

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